

Eurolam Retina works with a special interest in the macula and vitreoretinal diseases, uveitis, and tumors. The society promotes the scientific exchange of knowledge between specialists, education, and research.

The retina is an evolving specialty that includes a specific medical and surgical knowledge; each case has to be evaluated individually to determine the best management. It is of vital importance to share personal experiences and results to grow up together.

Eurolam Retina organizes a biannual congress; also participates in international congresses through symposia. It is active in European Congresses: European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) and European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE), American Congresses: American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) and American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC).

Retina Committee

Executive Committee

Federico Graue (Mexico) President
Francesco Bandello (Italy) Vice President
David E. Pelayes (Argentina) Vice President
S Seregard (Sweden) Treasure
René Cano (Mexico) General Secretary

Scientific Committee

Borja Corcóstegui (Spain), Walter Takahashi (Brasil), Ferenc Kuhn (Hungary-USA), Gisbert Richard (Germany), Thomas Wolfensberger (Switzerland), Marcio Nahemy (Brazil), Samuel Boyd (Panama), George W. Aylward (UK), Rafel T Cortez (Venezuela), Alain Gaudric (France), Einar Stefansson (Iceland), Raul Nunes Galvarro Vianna (Brazil), Edoardo Midena (Italy), Hernando Camacho (Colombia), Bertil Damato (UK), Gregorio Gabela (Ecuador), U. Schmidt-Erfurth (Austria), Carlos Abdala (Colombia), Maurizio Battaglia (Italy), Anat Loewenstein (Israel), Morton LaCour (Denmark), Ramin Tadayoni (France).


The Eurolam Retina began the academic activities on 1998. The society was formally stablished at the first General Assembly in Vienna on 23 May 2008. The founding committee members were: Dr. Borja Corcostegui (Spain) President, Dr. Federico Graue (Mexico) Vice President, Dr. Francesco Bandello (Italy) Vice President, Dr. U. Schmidt-Erfurth (Austria) Treasure, Dr. David E. Pelayes (Argentina) General Secretary.

The Eurolam society has been actively participating in various international conferences since 2008.

The first Eurolam Retina congress was organized in Miami on 25 March 2011.

Retina Congresses

  • 2018 Quito (Ecuador)
  • 2015 Mexico DF (Mexico)
  • 2013 Miami (USA)
  • 2012 Miami (USA)
  • 2011 Miami (USA)

Monterry Congress 2020
